Whether you’re stuck in a job you don’t like, you’re having financial problems or your health is limping along – a prosperity ritual will bring you that light at the end of the tunnel and get things back on track. You have a say in your reality!

Abundance ritual – increase your happiness

Magic surrounds us everywhere. It is a natural part of everyday life – whether we realize it or not.

A prosperity ritual is a ceremony in which I use the energy of the gods, planets and forces of nature to activate my own energy.

With appropriate deities, prayers, incantations, crystals, herbs, candles and auras, I direct their power to your individual intention – related to your professional life, business, health and psyche.

Who is this ritual addressed to?

Anyone who is struggling can use the power of the ritual for abundance:

  • in business – it helps to attract new customers, increase the number of orders and improve the financial situation of the company,
  • in career – attracts new opportunities to earn money, helps to find a new job, see more career prospects,
  • in health – attracts a higher vibration of health, both physical and mental.

Firstly,Choose your intention!

The basis of the ritual for prosperity is your intention. At the latest, the day before the ritual begins, everyone submits their personal intention. It’s important for you to be conscious and precise in your request. In short – you need to know what you want. This is because during the ritual there will be a burning of a card with your intention on it.

Secondly,Take part in the ritual

After finalizing your order, you will receive an invitation to a specially created online ritual group. The ritual takes place live and usually lasts about 10-20 minutes. Apart from a specified intention, you don’t have to prepare for it specially. However, have your own candle handy – during the ritual you will burn it with us. I will inform you about what the candle should look like in advance.

Thirdly,Look out for effects

Sometimes the effects of the rituals are visible after just one day, sometimes you have to wait three months for them. It is worth keeping your eyes open.

Order the abundance ritual now!

Click on the button below, order a ritual for prosperity and start seeing positive changes in your life.

You have a chance to influence your life only 12 times a year!

Every ritual for prosperity takes place every month, on the day which is a full moon.

If you want to see a change for the better in the near future, you need to act NOW!

Who knows what will happen in your life by the next ritual?

Are the rituals safe?

Yes, it’s safe!

Magic is divided into black magic and white magic. I use the good white magic.

So my action has no right to bring you side effects. So there is nothing to worry about.

Just be sure that you want to change your life for the better and formulate your intention accordingly.

My ebook on how to create intentions is just in preparation.

Who performs the rituals?

Kinga Oliwia Kujawa

Professional astrological qualifications
11 years of experience
Clients all over the world

My name is Kinga and astrology is my way of life.

I have been working with the cards since I was eight years old, and I also graduated from the prestigious London School of Astrology.

I trained under the tutelage of the greatest specialists in this field from all over the world.

Today I help strayed and lost people find their potential and guide them to the right track, lost somewhere.

How much are you willing to pay for your happiness?

Quantum of Happiness Package for the determined
PLN monthly
  • 5 rituals per month (for prosperity, love, cutting off, protection, purification)
  • 8 Sabbats per year
  • Access to the ritual group
  • Ebook on how to create intentions to make them effective
Abundance ritual
  • Abundance ritual
  • Access to the ritual group

Professional astrological analyses, horoscopes and rituals to attract the change you have been waiting for.

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