Professional astrological analyses, horoscopes, and rituals which will attract a change you have been waiting for. I will help you to make better decisions and to reach the goals you desire.
…I will give you a map you need to follow to achieve it.
You have a chance to make a real difference to what awaits you with your own hands!
Aries become millionaires much more often than other star signs, whereas Sagittarius have twice the chance of fame. World leaders are most often Scorpios. Even though Leos, Cancers, and Tauruses often make more money, it doesn’t mean that others stand no chance of it!
You are not JUST a Virgo or JUST a Capricorn! Each of the 12 star signs influences you. You are a unique blend of all the signs – one of the kind. The exact time of your birth decides who you are, how you look, and how you feel. Why not learn to make use of it?
Astrology reveals the potential of each person, their hidden skills and abilities they could discover. It allows to take a breath and get prepared for forthcoming changes in advance.
In short – it is a key to success in all walks of life. Sounds mysterious, doesn’t it?
Even though magic has its roots in pagan beliefs, astrology is a science which has accompanied us since ancient times. And like all other sciences, it takes years to explore astrology. Over centuries its supporters included Copernicus, Newton, Reagan, and Roosevelt.
Modern astrology is based on repetitive charts and the symbolism of the sky. Today, it is a service like any other. Astrology – unlike us, humans – is very far from emotional turmoil. And aren’t emotions such a bad advisor?
As a fortune-teller, I will not give you a magic pill which will tell you what to do.
What I can do, however, is take the stress and fear away.
I can give you a bit of confidence you need to make your own decisions.
I can show you different paths and different opportunities ahead of you.
It is up to you whether and how to use them.
How long do you want to be stuck in limbo and uncertainty?
I am Kinga, the first certified hypnotherapist in Poland working with the Heart Healing® Method, and the creator of the proprietary hypnotherapy method Astro Healing™. Hypnotherapy is an extremely effective tool that helps my clients overcome inner blockages, discover their potential and achieve deep harmony. It allows me to support people in their spiritual and emotional transformation, helping them change their lives for the better.
I am a mentor, an astrologer, a tarot reader, a businesswoman and a witch with over 15 years of experience in the esoteric industry. I support individuals in their mental and business development, helping them achieve success in their professional and personal lives. My goal is to inspire people to courageously take on challenges and develop their own abilities. I am primarily an astrologer and hypnotherapist. I graduated from the prestigious London School of Astrology, which allowed me to explore the secrets of this extraordinary science. I have been using Tarot cards since I was 8 years old, which makes working with them a natural process for me. No, I am not a witch who stares into a glass ball for hours.
I’m a successful woman who just likes to see a little more and helps people because of it. I began to explore the secrets of astrology when I myself was going through a serious crisis in my life. The stars and planets revealed a completely different world to me. They gave me the key to finding my own potential and overcoming problems. They allowed me to achieve international success.
Customers are skeptical, and then I see them coming back. This is perhaps the best proof that the accuracy and effectiveness of astrology are electrifying. Astrology and hypnotherapy are not just my working tools – they are my way of life and my mission to support others in discovering their own path.
Individual sessions are held over the phone or Messenger as a video conference. Horoscope analyses are sent to you as voice recordings. Rituals are run live online in a closed Facebook group.
When you finalise your order, I will contact you to discuss the details. Each session always takes place remotely.
I will contact you to discuss the details before each session. If you order the rituals, you will need several items I will inform you about in advance.
And can’t you cut your own hair? Of course, you can – the question is, will you be happy with the result? The fortune-teller’s services are the same. You can try to do it on your own, but nobody will guarantee the results.
Yes, it definitely does! Hundreds of thousands of people learn about it every single day. Astrologists’ services are used by real business tycoons. Financial astrology works in no less than 84% on the stock exchange! Such results really cannot be denied.
Yes, horoscope analysis is completely safe. During my rituals I use white magic, hence my service will never bring any side effects. I am here to help you, not to hurt you.
I love talking to people – I will be happy to dispel all your doubts and to tell you more about the services I provide.